
AutoCamp Coming Later Locations

AutoCamp has 5 locations currently open:

  • AutoCamp Cape Cod
  • AutoCamp Catskills
  • AutoCamp Joshua Tree
  • AutoCamp Russian River
  • AutoCamp Yosemite.

There are 4 more locations scheduled to open in 2023.

  • AutoCamp Asheville
  • AutoCamp Hill Country (Texas)
  • AutoCamp Sequoia
  • Autocamp Zion

Additionally, we are following news stories of additional properties AutoCamp is trying to purchase here on our AutoCamp Coming Later page and in blog posts, below.

Our AutoCamp Locations and Property Descriptions page gives you a quick synopsis of all properties, what they offer, and more

AutoCamp Hocking Hills

As we wrote in the blog post Unusual AutoCamp Location, Hocking Hills is not a “marquee” type of property you’ll notice in the currently Open or Coming Soon AutoCamp locations.

The Founder and CEO of AutoCamp said 15 other new properties were being planned and that, “You’re going to see a lot more AutoCamp locations announced here in the relatively short-term future throughout the country.” They are being very deliberate and strategic about expansion and aim to have locations within a half day’s drive of the top 25 major metro areas (my emphasis) across the U.S., as reported in

So when news articles started to pop up about AutoCamp looking to open at an abandoned coal mine in Logan, OH, I did a double-take. Hocking, OH? This will be one very unusual AutoCamp location!

Unusual AutoCamp Location

AutoCamp Grand Canyon

Now, Grand Canyon is about as “marquee” as can be found anywhere in the US! It’s no surprise, therefore, that a Grand Canyon location is tops on the “next” list for AutoCamp.

Read here to learn more about the pending Grand Canyon location. It’s not a done deal. There are zoning issues, and it’s not clear when this might be resolved.