Published on June 24, 2024 | Modified on November 6, 2024
Update – Hurricane Milton
Good news: AutoCamp seems to have moved the Airstreams and cabins out of the flood area before Hurricane Milton hit.
Bad news: they have no opening date, straight through their 2025 calendar.
AutoCamp Asheville was supposed to be by “mid-2023”. They were also supposed to be open by summer. Now, AutoCamp Asheville will have further delays and not be open until mid September at earliest.
According to Asheville Watchdog, the delays are due to storm damage. There was no comment as to what that storm might have been or what the damage was that would’ve caused a three month delay.
However, this article is a particular note because the interviewer immediately asked about the sewage system at AutoCamp Asheville. As we have well documented, AutoCamp Cape Cod has a deep long problem with their septic system. Additionally, there is news of a new AutoCamp location in Michigan, and immediately AutoCamp is already running into septic design issues for that location.
As previously reported, AutoCamp Asheville is located on the French Broad River. From the description, it is a two tiered property. The upper level will likely be Vista category Airstreams as they will have mountain views. The ones closer to the river, will be significantly lower. The interviewer was concerned about how the sewage was going to be handled, since it was so near the river.
“The sewage, specifically down by the river, is pumped up the hill to a wastewater treatment plant on property,” Edel said. “There are leach fields on property where the clean waste goes. All waste water will be processed entirely on site and has gone through rigorous testing to ensure the local aquifer is protected.”
As recently as late May, a spokesperson for Buncombe County, said, “So far, all of their permits have been secured and they are in the inspection process now.”
The director of engineering at Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County, said, “A septic permit was issued to AutoCamp on or around May 25, 2023.”
Hopefully, AutoCamp Asheville has a better contractor in a better experience in Asheville than the Cape Cod property has gone through.
We look forward to our visit this fall!
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