Published on March 24, 2023
AutoCamp Second Grand Canyon Location?
We had previously shared the details on AutoCamp’s attempt to purchase property in Williams, AZ for an AutoCamp Grand Canyon location. As we had detailed, they ran into serious zoning obstacles and extensive objections from local residents.
Now, AutoCamp is inquiring about a second location in William, AZ for their AutoCamp Grand Canyon location. Let’s look at this new location and how AutoCamp is fairing with their plans.
AutoCamp’s First Attempt at AutoCamp Grand Canyon
AutoCamp originally was interested in purchasing 160 acres located at 581 Cooper Ranch Road , Williams, AZ. It was zoned for “General,” but AutoCamp needed the zoning to be “Resort Commercial.”
AutoCamp would have had to install a well or wells and waste water systems. Access to the property is through a dirt road with a history of seasonal flooding. All these were complications.
Neighbors were strongly opposed to the zoning change that would allow AutoCamp to develop the property.The Coconino County Planning and Zoning Commission has not issued a decision and had granted an “indefinite continuance” of the AutoCamp application. The county said they were giving the applicant more time to work through issues regarding access to the property.
Now, it seems that AutoCamp has walked away from the Cooper Ranch Road property and are now focused on a new property in Williams that would become the AutoCamp Second Grand Canyon location.
AutoCamp Second Grand Canyon Location
AutoCamp is now eyeing up a property next to Canyon Coaster Adventure Park, which is the destination on this map:

Several residents, along with the owner of Canyon Coaster Park are speaking up in favor of the new location. However, the Mayor and City Manager are not in favor of the AutoCamp Second Grand Canyon location. The Mayor has a “number of reasons” to object. He feels the one road access to the property, could be problematic in emergency situations such as fire, when people need to evacuate quickly. Also, the Mayor feels the benefit of winter tourism would not be significant, and that Williams is “maxed out” with summer tourism.
Should Autocamp (sic) move forward with their newly proposed project in Williams, they will need to present their plans to the city and submit an application for a special use permit. They would need to go before the Coconino County Planning and Zoning Commission. In addition, the council will need to approve the rezoning of the area for the glamping project to proceed, Dent said.
Williams News
What is the status of the AutoCamp Second Grand Canyon location?
Again, AutoCamp seems to be running into extensive objections from the Mayor, Town Manager, and also the Fire Department. Like the Mayor, the Fire Department has concerns about a single access road in a fire situation.
It’s still early, but it’s not looking good for AutoCamp to get themselves established in Williams. One has to wonder: are there no other locations to establish a Grand Canyon location? And what about purchasing an existing campground? Surely they could find one to purchase rather than running into zoning issues.
We’ll keep following the AutoCamp Grand Canyon story. Follow us!
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Hey there! I work for AutoCamp Joshua Tree! I may have met you when you visited! If you have any questions about our property, I’m pretty hip to it 🙂 I’m visiting our Yosemite location now! Thank you for providing information! I actually have learned a lot!
Hello Manda! Thanks for reaching out. We’ll visit Yosemite once Sequoia opens and visit both at once. We’re off to Zion next. 🙂 I’m enjoying visiting the properties and covering news and deals and writing reviews. They’ve got to get their reservation system fixed. It’s quite the mess. See the article I did on this:
Please reach out any time. I welcome the feedback!